Deforming Multiple Surfaces Using Control Points

You can deform two or more surfaces in a single operation.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape containing surfaces.

Deform without Guides

  1. Select multiple surfaces to be deformed.
  2. Click Intermediate surface use .
    An intermediate surface representing the bounding box is displayed.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Deform the intermediate surface by modifying the control points using the handles.
    All surfaces are automatically and dynamically deformed according to the intermediate surface deformation.
  5. Click OK in the Control Points dialog box.

Deform with Guides

  1. Select multiple surfaces to be deformed.
  2. In the guides area, select 1 guide.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Select a guide surface.
  5. Deform the intermediate surface by modifying the control points using the handles.
    The deformation is performed along the selected guide.
  6. Click OK in the Control Points dialog box.