Creating 3D Curves

You can create a curve using points or control points positioned in the work area or on a curve.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
See Also
Applying a Tangency Constraint on a Point
About Creating 3D Curves
  1. From the Creation section of the action bar, click 3D Curve .
  2. Select the curve creation type, then select the points.
    • Through points: Creates a multiarc curve passing through each selected point.

    • Control points: Creates a curve with the selected points as the control points.

    • Near points: Creates a single-arc curve with the specified order and smoothed through the selected points.

  3. For the Control Points type, define the Max Order allowing you to specify a bound for the computation of a mono-arc curve.

    When the Max order value is exceeded, the mono-arc curve becomes a multiarc curve. Consequently, the Max order value is no longer taken into account, as arcs have always 6 as their order.

    Note: The minimum value for the Max order option is 5. If the Order value defined in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Styling > FreeStyle Shape Design, General tab, Geometry section, is 5, for Control Points, the Max order value is 6 (minimum and maximum bounds must be different). The maximum value for the Max order is the same as that one defined in the preferences . If you decrease the value in the preferences and it is lower than the Max order value, the latter value prevails.

  4. Optional: For the Near Points type, specify the smoothing options to parameterize the curve.
    • Chord Length (default): Smoothing parameter = 0

    • Uniform: Smoothing parameter = 0

    • Smoothing parameter: Enables a better control point distribution of the smoothed curve.

      Smoothing parameter = 50

      Smoothing parameter = 130
  5. Move the pointer over a point.
    A handle is displayed allowing you to modify the point location as you create the curve.
  6. Optional: Right-click a control point to open the context menu.
  7. Optional: Select Disable geometry detection to create a point close to a geometric element without constraining it to the element.
  8. Optional: Insert a control point:
    1. Ctrl+A or click Insert a point .
    2. Click the segment between two existing points where you want to add a new control point.

    3. Click at the position where you want to add the control point.
      The new control point is added.

      You can now continue to edit the curve.
  9. Optional: Click Remove a point and select a point.

  10. Optional: Click Free or constrain a point and select the point.
    • Constrain a 3D point: Move the cursor close to a point or a wire to which you want to link it. Move the cursor over a geometric element and do one of the following:
      • Move the point to the indicated point by clicking.
      • Press+hold+Ctrl to project this point onto this element according to the shortest distance from the point's initial location.

    • Free a point that is lying on another point or curve: Move the point by the handles to any new location.

    Note: You can snap a point onto a surface using the Free or constrain a point option. The point is lying to the surface, but not constrained.
  11. Optional: Ctrl+T or click Insert a point in tangency , then select the position where you want to insert the point.
    The new point is inserted on the line passing through the two last control points.

    It is at the minimum distance of the cursor, here the red dot. The new point is created at the red cross.

    After adding the point, the tangent mode is automatically deactivated. You can use Ctrl+T to reactivate this option.

  12. Optional: Right-click anywhere in the work area and select Global Mode from the context menu.

    Note: Global Mode is only available if the Robot is in the model and not on the perch (see Robot Commands, In Model or on Perch option).

    All points move globally with the Robot taking their constraint into account.
  13. Click OK to create the curve.

    You can edit a 3D curve afterwards by a double-click that opens the 3D Curve command. You can also use the Control Points command offering more options for moving the control points:

    1. Select the curve.
    2. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Control Points .
    3. In the appearing message, click Yes to edit the 3D curve.

      Click No to create a new curve feature with the 3D curve as a reference.