Fitting the Surface to a Cloud of Points

You can fit a deformed surface to an existing cloud of points.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape containing windshields and a roof patch.
  1. Select the roof patch as the source element.
  2. Click Fit to Geometry
    Provided that Continuity is selected in the Tools Dashboard, the Fit To Geometry dialog box is displayed and texts indicating the fitting constraints are displayed on the surface boundaries.
  3. Set the following parameters in the dialog box:
    • set the fitting tension to 0.5 and smoothing to 0.3.
    • make sure Impose direction check box is cleared.
    • and in the Tools Dashboard, click U, V Orders and make sure they are Nu=4 and Nv=4
  4. Select the Cloud of points as the target element.
    It may be easier to select it from the tree than from the geometry itself.

  5. Click Fit in the Fit To Geometry dialog box.

  6. Click OK in the Fit To Geometry dialog box.