Deforming The Surface Limits

You can modify surface limits within a given plane (in 2D) to get them to coincide with existing geometry.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape containing windshields and a roof patch.
See Also
Using Control Points
  1. Click Top View in the View section of the action bar.
    You can position the symmetry plane according to the current plane.

  2. Select the surface you just created and click Control Points
    The Control Points dialog box appears.
  3. Right-click the Symmetry selection box and select Insert Wireframe > ZX Plane
  4. Double-click Symmetry to lock the functionality.
  5. Choose the following deformation options from the dialog box:
    • Support: Mesh Lines
    • Diffusion Law: Convex Law
  6. Select the top front control point, then press and hold Shift then click the bottom front control point. The whole front mesh line is selected.
  7. Use the handles on one of the corner control points to bring it closer to the orange reference curve.
    The mesh line takes the global shape of the reference curve, even though it does not yet match it perfectly.

  8. Repeat this operation with the rear mesh line and reference curve.
  9. In the Control Points dialog box, select new options:
    • Diffusion Law: Constant Law
  10. Select one of the side mesh lines and bring it closer to the orange reference curve until the patch corner reaches the curve's end points.
    You need to iterate on the front and rear mesh lines, using the same options to reach a satisfying level of superimposition.

    For further tuning you need to zoom in and move single control points.
  11. Select each patch corner point and move it exactly onto the reference corner point. You need to move them along both X and Y.
  12. Move each side control point to superimpose the patch boundaries and reference curves.
    You need to move them along the Y direction only.

  13. Move the inner control points 2 by 2, using the Shift key, to move them closer to the patch center.
    The patch now has the shape given by the reference curves.

  14. Click OK in the Control Points dialog box.