You can improve the smoothing of a
surface onto a cloud of points after having completed a distance analysis and
a reflect line analysis.
Before you begin:
Open a 3D shape containing windshields, for example, with style curves limiting these (windshield boundaries) style curves, onto which the roof should be mapped.
Select the roof surface and click Control
Points .
The Control Points dialog box appears.
Click Local Normals.
Click Constant Law .
Right-click the Symmetry selection box
and select Insert Wireframe > ZX Plane
Double-click Symmetry to lock the functionality.
Select U, V Orders
, in the Tools Dashboard
Set the order numbers to Nu=5 and Nv=7 using the
context menu, to increase the number of mesh lines in U and V
This brings more flexibility in terms of modifications.
Decrease the deformation step to 0.75mm in the Tools Dashboard
To avoid selecting points from the
cloud, right-click the mesh and select Freeze.
Select the central U mesh line and move it until you
display green points instead of red points.
You may also need to decrease the step and attenuation values and the
number in U and V to reach a smoothed surface (a smoothed face is one displaying mostly
green points, that is lying between -0.15mm and 0.15 mm from the cloud of