Concatenating Surfaces

You can concatenate a surface into a mono-cell surface. The resulting surface is a curvature continuous surface (C2).

You can concatenate a two-cell mono-domain FreeStyle Shape Design surface or two separate contiguous surfaces.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape containing a set of connected surfaces.
See Also
Concatenating Curves
  1. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Concatenate.
  2. Set the tolerance value to define the maximum parametric deviation allowed between the selected elements and the resulting surface.


    The maximum deviation value displayed by clicking More>> is computed as the standard distance analysis, and therefore is not necessarily the minimum tolerance value to be specified.

  3. Select the surfaces to concatenate.
  4. Click Apply.
    If the tolerance is compatible, a single surface is shown with its segment limits in U and V.

  5. Click More>>.
  6. Select Information.
    The following information is displayed on the resulting surface:
    • Nu/Nv: Number of control points in U and V.
    • o: Surface order.
    • s: Number of surface segments.
    • Maximum deviation.

  7. Select Auto Update Tolerance to automatically update the tolerance value in case the set value is too low.
    The minimum tolerance required to permit the surfaces to be concatenated is displayed and the concatenation is performed.
  8. Click OK.
    A C2 continuous surface is created.

  • Only two cells, whether in the same element (joined, for example) or in separate elements (two different cells) can be concatenated at a time. To concatenate more, you need to concatenate the first two cells, then the resulting concatenated surface with another cell, and so on.

  • If the selected surfaces are not connected, meaning that there is a significant gap between the two surfaces, Apply is disabled, and you cannot create the concatenated surface.
  • If the selected elements present a curvature discontinuity, increase the tolerance value accordingly. The maximum deviation increases considerably.