Copying Geometric Parameters

You can use the geometric parameters of a curve as a template for other curves. This task shows you how to copy the parameters from one curve to other curves.

The target curves can be Nurbs, datum (without history), and 3D datum curves.

Before you begin:
  1. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Copy Geometric Parameters .
  2. Select a curve as the template curve.
    Control points and segmentation parameters are displayed on the curve.

  3. Select one or more target curves.

    • Target curves must be datum curves.
    • Target curves must consist of one edge only.
    • Target curve edges must have the same limits as the curve (no trimming).

    Control points and segmentation parameters are displayed also on the target curve. You can see that they are different from those of the template curve.

  4. Click Apply.
    The parameters of the template curve are copied on the target curves.
    Template Curve

    Target Curves

    The dialog box shows related information.

    For the template curve:

    • Degree by arc: Number of control points.
    • Arcs number: Number of segments.

    For the target curves:

    • Input elements: Number of selected elements.
    • Valid curves: Number of curves taken into account.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To change the template curve still keeping the selected target curves while in the command, do the following:
    1. Click the Template Curve area in the dialog box.
    2. Select the curve.
    3. Click Apply.