Multi-Side Matching

You can match a mono-cell non-relimited surface to 2 to 4 other surfaces. The source surface's edges will be deformed to match the target curves on surfaces, taking continuities into account.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
  1. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Multi-Side Match Surface .
  2. Set the deformation options.
    • Diffuse deformation: Spreads the deformation over the whole matched surface, not only to a limited number of control points.
    • Optimize continuities: Performs the deformation by optimizing the user-defined continuities rather than according to the control points and mesh lines.
  3. Select the first edge of the surface to be matched.

  4. Select the target curve for the first selected edge.
    An arrow is displayed indicating which source edge is to be matched to which target curve.

    Note: The source edges must lie on the same face.
  5. In the App Options panel, click Continuity to visualize texts on the geometry.
  6. Right-click a continuity label to change the continuity type (point, tangency, curvature) or to modify the edge order.
  7. Continue selecting pairs of source and target curves to be matched, as needed.
  8. Click Apply.
    If you selected four source edges and four curves, the match is automatically computed.

  9. Click OK to create the multi-side match surface.

    • All source edges must belong to the same surface.
    • Only a complete surface, i.e. that has not been previously re-limited, can be matched.
    • Target curves necessary are surface boundaries or isoparametric curves, therefore laying on a surface. They cannot be curves created in space.
    • In the App Options panel, click U, V Orders to display texts indicating the resulting surface order along U and V. Right-click these texts to choose a new order value.
    • A surface can also be matched onto a relimited surface.
    • The match takes into account continuities and order, but also existing geometric configurations.

    For example, in the example below, the two target surface overlap. In this case, the system automatically relimits the matched surface where the target surfaces overlap:

    Tips: Available capabilities from the App Options panel are: Creating a Temporary Analysis, Displaying U and V Orders on Elements, auto detection (Snap On Edge option only), continuity, and furtive display (control points are displayed on both the surface to be matched and the target surfaces).