Creating an Aligned Section View/Section Cut

You can create an aligned section view or an aligned section cut using a cutting profile as cutting plane.

An aligned section view and aligned section cut are created from a cutting profile defined from nonparallel planes.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
  1. Specify the type of view to create: Section View or Section Cut.
  2. Select or sketch a profile to use it as cutting plane.

    The aligned section view/cut is made up of distinct section views/annotation planes, each of which can be activated and behaves like a regular section view/annotation plane. Each view is associative to the sketched line that defines it.
    Section View

    Section Cut

  3. Click Reverse Normal to reverse the normal of the aligned section view/cut.
    Section View

    Section Cut

  4. Select the Orientation as unfolded check box to change the orientation mode.
  5. In the Ratio Assistant panel, specify the view ratio.
  6. To change the view ratio, select the view in the 3D area and, on the context toolbar, select Change Ratio.

    You can also right-click the view in the Views and Captures panel and select xxx object > Change Ratio.