About Manipulating Dimensions

This page describes the various functions used while manipulating the dimensions.

By default, when manipulating dimensions, you will use the following functions:

  • Dimension following the cursor: see Dimension Dimension following the cursor (CTRL toggles) option.
  • Global move: see Move.
  • Blanking handles (available when modifying a dimension): see Handles: Modify blanking option.

    Not to visualize blanking handles or to visualize other handles either when creating or when modifying a dimension (Modify Overrun, Modify blanking, Insert text before, Insert text after, Move value, Move dimension line, Move dimension line secondary part).

  • Value snapped between the dimension lines symbols: go to Move.

    If you do not want to have the possibility to snap the dimension value between both symbols of the dimension line and you want to snap the dimension position on the grid.

  • During creation: to switch temporarily the Dimension following the cursor (CTRL toggles) option, press the Ctrl key.
  • During creation and edition: to switch temporarily the Snap by default option, press the Shift key.

    Click the dimension symbols to invert them.

  • During angle dimension creation: when the Dimension following the cursor (CTRL toggles) option is activated, press Ctrl + Alt and drag to swap the angle sector.

    When the dimension following the cursor option is not activated, press Ctrl + Alt and drag to swap to the complementary angle sector and select the dimension line.

  • Note: You can undo or redo each manipulation operation performed on the annotations.