Copy Cut Paste and 3D Annotation

This reference describes how to paste 3D Annotation in a 3D shape.

This page discusses:

See Also
About View/Annotation Planes


  • 3D annotations are pasted in the current View/Annotation Plane only. When no View/Annotation Plane exists in the current Tolerancing Set, a convenient View/Annotation Plane is created.
  • The multi-selection of 3D annotation is possible from any View/Annotation Planes of the same 3D shape.
  • View/Annotation Planes, captures and constructed geometries cannot be pasted.
  • You have to select the same number of geometrical elements as involved in the copied 3D annotation (dimension between two faces, a text on several geometries, etc).
  • 3D annotations from a 3D shape can be pasted in another 3D shape.
Note: When pasting an engineering symbol (such as φ Phi for example) in the text editor, the symbol is pasted as a plain character. As a result, if the symbol does not exist in the current font, the resulting character in the drawing may be different.

Drag and Drop

  • Drag and drop works with 3D annotation referencing one geometrical element (text on surface, dimension on an edge, etc).
  • Drag and drop works with text of flag note referencing several geometrical elements, but
  • Drag and drop does not work for distance dimension which involves more than one geometrical element in their definition.
  • Take care with the multi-selection of 3D annotation in drag and drop context, because only the last added in your selection may be pasted.