Showing/Hiding Annotations

You can show or hide the annotations in an annotation set.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
  1. Right-click the annotation set and select Annotations/Features > Hide all features .
    The annotation set is hidden in 3D area and an additional yellow mask is added to the annotation set icon in thetree.

    Tip: You can also click 3D Annotation Filter from the Tools section of the action bar. In the 3D Annotation Filter dialog box that appears, clear the annotation set in the Custom list.

  2. Right-click the annotation set again and select Annotations/Features > Show all features .
    Product annotations are enabled in the geometry.

Note: Whenever you create a new feature (such as annotation, view, dimension, constructed geometry, or restricted area), and if the features are hidden using the Annotations/Features > Hide all features option, then all the hidden features are visible again.