Marking Non-Semantic Annotations

You can mark non-semantic annotations with a wavy red line in the tree and geometry.

You can graphically distinguish non-semantic annotations (datum, datum targets, geometric tolerances, dimensions) from semantic ones.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
See Also
  1. On the 3D shape, create non-semantic annotations as shown.

  2. Select the Mark non-semantic annotations check box available in Non-Semantic Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > 3D Tolerancing & Annotation > Display section.

    For more information, see Display.

    In the geometry and the tree, the non-semantic annotation is marked.

    Note: To consider the text, flag notes, NOA markings, weld, surface texture, and undefined edge symbol as semantic annotations, you can select the available check boxes accordingly. The check boxes are available only when the Mark non-semantic annotations check box is selected. For more information, see Non-Semantic