Lining Up Dimensions

You can line up dimensions according to an external reference.

When there is no external reference, the smallest dimension position is the reference.

Dimension that can be affected are:

  • Length dimension
  • Distance dimension
  • Radius dimension
  • Diameter dimension
  • Angle dimension

  • Options defined in Line-Up are taken into account for this command.
  • The reference can be another dimension or a geometry.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
See Also
Aligning Dimensions into System
  1. Select the dimensions to be lined-up.
  2. Right-click one of the dimensions and select Line-Up .
  3. Select the reference element.

    To line-up dimensions without reference, click anywhere outside geometry or annotation.

    The Line-Up dialog box appears.

  4. Enter 5mm as Offset to reference value.
  5. Enter 15mm as Offset between dimensions value.
  6. Click OK.
    Dimensions are lined-up according to the set options.