Creating a Restricted Area

You can create a restricted area annotation, apply different representation patterns on it, and generate the drawing for the views displaying the restricted area.

  • A restricted area annotation allows you to define a delimited surface to be toleranced.
  • The restricting area may consist of several elements.
  • The surface may be defined using Generative Shape Design app.
  • To customize the restricted area options, see Default graphic properties.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
  1. From the Annotation section of the action bar, click Restricted Area .
  2. Select the required surfaces to be restricted.

    • The Restricted Area box is updated and the Geometry Connection Management becomes available. For more information, see Connections Management for Annotations.
    • You can use the connection management to add, remove, replace, or rename elements of the selection and manage the impacts of these modifications. The edited element or feature can be either a user surface or a group of surfaces according to the selection in the Restricted Area dialog box.
    • You can select as many elements as required for each area, either from the tree or from the 3D area. Selecting the same element twice does not clear the selection.
  3. Click the Restricting Area box to validate the selection of the restricted area elements.
  4. Select the area to be restricted on the restricted surfaces.

    • When a restricted area is not valid, in the tree, a yellow filled circle is displayed on the icon. Right-click the restricted area in the tree and select Diagnostic Report.
    • When the restricting elements are not included in the restricted elements, a warning message is displayed.

    The Restricted Area dialog box is updated.

  5. Click OK to validate these selections and create the restricted area.

    In the tree, the Restricted Area.x node is created and the restricted area appears with hatching lines on it.
    • The pattern representation for the restricted area is displayed for planar surfaces only.
    • When a restricted area is not valid, in the tree, a yellow filled circle is displayed on the icon. Right-click the restricted area in the tree and select Diagnostic Report.
    • When the restricting elements are not included in the restricted elements, a warning message is displayed.
    • You can edit a restricted area:
      • In the tree, double-click the RestrictedArea.x node.
      • In the Restricted area dialog box, you can only select the Connection Management icons or OK or Cancel.
      • Modifications made with the Connection Management cannot be undone.
  6. Optional: To change the representation of the restricted area, right-click the Restricted Area.x node, select Properties, and then the Pattern tab.

    Alternatively, right-click the restricted area to access its properties.

    From the Type list, you can select Dotting, Coloring, Image, or None and specify the required attributes.

    • You can also right-click in the 3D area, select Display > Object Properties, and then change the representation pattern for the restricted area.
    • You can filter the restricted area by applying 3D annotation filter. For more information, see Filtering Annotations.
    • In the 3D area, the restricted area is displayed even though the corresponding reference geometry is hidden.

    The restricted area is represented with the selected pattern type.
  7. To generate a drawing representing the restricted area which is in show mode with at least one annotation and restricted surface, follow the below steps:
    1. From the Compass, click Drafting.
    2. From the View Layout section of the action bar, click View from 3D and then select the required view to generate its drawing.

    • When you generate a drawing for the view parallel the restricted area, the restricted area is displayed in the drawing with the selected pattern on it.
    • When you generate a drawing for the view orthogonal to the restricted area, the offset dotted line represents the restricted area.
      2D Drawing: View Parallel to the Restricted Area

      2D Drawing: View Orthogonal to the Restricted Area

    • The offset dotted lines representing the restricted area can be towards the material region, the case of Generative Shape Design surfaces, for example.

    The restricted area is represented in the drawing generated using views and its boundary is marked with dotted lines.