Creating Semantic Geometrical Tolerance

You can create several types of geometrical tolerance features like flatness specification, straightness specification, position specification etc.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape representation.
  1. From the Annotation section of the action bar, click Tolerancing Advisor.
  2. Select multiple holes as shown below.

  3. In the Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box, click the Position Specification:(N cylinders in Collection (Nx CZ)).
    The Geometrical Tolerance dialog box appears.
  4. Under the Tolerance Value area, specify the required tolerance value.
    • Numerical: Enter the required numerical value.
    • Tabulated: Enter the name of the required length type parameter. For more information about parameters, see Knowledge Basics User's Guide: Managing Relations: Formulas and Knowledge Basics User's Guide: Creating and Working with Parameters: About Parameters.
      Note: For tabulated values, the name of the specified parameter is displayed in the Geometrical Tolerance dialog box and in the 3D area.
  5. In the General tab, select the Display CZ modifier check box and keep the remaining options as they are.

    You can click Display median feature symbol to display the median feature symbol in the tolerance frame.

  6. Under Two Parallel Planes Tolerance Zone, specify the geometrical tolerance symbols for orientation plane auxiliary plane indicator. To do so:
    1. From the list, select the required auxiliary feature indicator.

      When you select angularity , a theoretically exact dimension is created between the constructed geometry and the datum feature.

    2. Specify the required datum feature.

      If not available, from the list, you can select Create datum and create it. This datum feature is not removed even when you delete the specified geometrical tolerances.

      The auxiliary plane indicator, Orientation plane, Intersection plane, or Collection plane, appear automatically based on the selected elements.

  7. Optional: To specify the geometrical tolerance indicators for intersection plane auxiliary plane indicator:
    1. Select the face of the feature as displayed and then the Straightness Specification .
    2. In the General tab, under Toleranced Lines Definition, specify the geometrical tolerance indicators for intersection plane. To do so:

      1. From the list, select the required auxiliary feature indicator.
      2. Specify the required datum feature.
      Note: The leader extremities of geometrical tolerance are always a filled circle except when there are extension lines or when they are in the alignment of dimensions.

  8. Optional: To specify the profile of a line or a surface geometrical tolerance indicators applied in common zone to several features for collection plane auxiliary plane indicator:
    1. Select multiple faces and then the Profile-of-Surface specification.
    2. In the Toleranced Feature tab, under All round, specify the geometrical tolerance indicators for collection plane. To do so:

      1. From the list, select the required auxiliary feature indicator.
      2. Specify the required datum feature.

    Note: All the auxiliary feature indicators become invalid when you switch to ASME standard.
  9. In the Tolerance Zone tab,
    1. Click Projected Tolerance Zone.
    2. Click Create/Edit available next to the Extended Cylinder Selection list.
      The Extended Cylinder Construction Geometry dialog box appears.
    3. In the Reference plane box, select the reference face on which the hole is created.
    4. In the Length and Offset boxes, enter the required length and offset of the extended cylinder from the reference plane respectively.
    5. Click OK.
    6. In the Geometrical Tolerance dialog box, select the Show length and offset in tolerance frame check box.
      The length and offset values are displayed in the tolerance frame.

  10. In the Notes tab,
    1. Enter the required information in the various text editors available.
    2. Select the Automatic display of Nx at check box and select the upper bottom in the list.
      The number of selected components or elements is displayed in the upper bottom text editor.
      Note: You can also select <nbr> in the Insert list to specify the number of components in the selected text editor.
  11. Click OK.
    The geometrical tolerance feature is created on the selected holes.

  12. Click Close in the Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box.
  13. For the selected semantic geometrical tolerance, datum target annotation, and the datum systems, to modify the numerical display properties specified under Geometrical Tolerance and Datum Target, available in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > 3D Tolerancing & Annotation > Tolerancing expander:
    1. Right-click the datum target annotation and select Properties.
    2. In the Properties dialog box, click the Numerical Display tab.
    3. Under Numerical Display and Format, modify the required options.

    For more information about numerical display properties defined in Me > Preferences, see Geometrical Tolerance, Datum Target, and Datum System.

    The datum target annotations are displayed according to the modified display properties.