Browse Views and Captures
You can browse and navigate between all the views and captures and access their context toolbar.
In the
Views and Captures panel, you can display the views and captures in your product in different formats:
- Click
to display in thumbnails view.
- Click
to display in details view.
- Click
Hover over a thumbnail.
The ratio and the support or filter (if applicable) appear in a tooltip.
Select a
thumbnail or a details view item in the panel.
- The corresponding view is selected in the work area.
- A context toolbar appears. It contains the possible commands that can be performed on the selected view:
- Edit Default Filter: Display filter
or Mask filter
- Display Area: Capture Display Area
or Remove Display Area
- Edit Default Filter: Display filter
Double-click a thumbnail.
The corresponding view of the capture or the capture itself (in absence of a view) is activated in the work area.
- Right-click the thumbnail or a list item to access other commands.
Add, delete, or modify the view or capture in the
work area.
The view browser is updated accordingly.