You can create a
basic functional surface and specify the functions related to it without creating a template
or instantiating it.
Before you begin:
You must be an author to perform this task.
Open a 3D shape representation.
From the section of the action bar, click Functional Surface Creation.
In the Functional Surface dialog
box, under Characteristics, enter the name and specify the
functions related to the surface.
You can define functions using Data Setup.
The name can be modified by both a leader and an
author when instantiating. The functions can be modified only by a
Under Geometry:
Select the required surfaces to define the functional surface template.
From the Feature type list, select the type of feature if
not automatically computed.
Click to specify the geometry canonicity and its feature of size.
When you specify the canonicity or feature of size and the selected feature type is
not applicable, an icon appears for invalid feature type. You can select the valid
feature type proposed in the Feature type list.
A preview appears in the dialog box.
Under (Size), Form, Surface Texture, select the required
options to define the intrinsic geometrical tolerance specifications and the possible
failures caused due to poor tolerance management.
When the functional surface geometry is invalid, the size, form, and
roughness annotations becomes invalid and the mask
appear on their nodes.
Positioning Constraint(s):
From the list, specify one of the following constraints:
P(L): Applies the positioning constraints
with least material condition
P(M): Applies the positioning constraints
with maximum material condition
O(L): Applies the orientation constraints
with least material condition
O(M): Applies the orientation constraints
with maximum material condition
PO(L): Applies positioning and orientation
constraints with least material condition
PO(M): Applies positioning and orientation
constraints with maximum material condition
NoPos: Does not apply any positioning or
orientation constraints
More: Applies the position and orientation
constraints to the specific surfaces based on the set in type (primary,
secondary, and tertiary). You can also select the
Favorable clearance check box to consider
the favorable clearance.
From the list, select the mechanical junction with respect to which
the selected constraint is to be applied.
Under More Characteristics, in the
Description box, enter the description about the
functional surface.