Standard Properties

The Standard lets you modify standard properties for annotation set.

Select this tab to access Standard properties.

Presentation Standard

Displays the standards of the existing annotation set. Change this standard cannot be undone.

  • To update the standard contained in the annotation set, reselect the same standard name in the drop-down list. A standard update cannot be undone.
  • This properties tab is the same as the one in 2D Layout for 3D Design app.

    Change the standard in 3D Tolerancing & Annotation app will affect 2D Layout for 3D Design app, and vice-versa.

  • When you change the standard through Tolerancing , the new standard is not applied automatically to existing annotation set in session.
Syntactic and Semantic Dimensioning & Tolerancing standards
Displays the list of standards in use in the annotation set.

Note: If the semantic standard (at thet time of creation or standard switch) is ISO, below properties are displayed in the Standard tab.

Default Specification Operators for Size
Lets you specify the linear and angular size properties for ISO 14405 operators. Select the required values from the Linear Size ISO 14405 and Angular Size ISO 14405 lists.
Default Specification Elements for Form Association
Lets you specify property from the ISO 1101 FC list.
Default Specification Elements for Toleranced Feature Filtering
  • All form, location, orientation and runout specifications: Lets you specify the form, location, orientation and runout specifications in the ISO 1101 TF box.

    You are unable to select this check box when any of the below check boxes is selected.

  • Form specifications: Lets you specify only the form specifications in the ISO 1101 TFF box.
  • Orientation specifications: Lets you specify only the orientation specifications in the ISO 1101 TFO box.
  • Location specifications: Lets you specify only the location specifications in the ISO 1101 TFL box.