Enabling Functionality Controlled by a Variable

You can enable some functionality in on-premises deployments by setting the associated variable. Variable-enabled functionality, such as the ability to work with logical features or portfolios, is not available on-premises until the variable is enabled, but is always available on the cloud.

  1. Open the Run MQL window:
    1. From the compass, select Collaboration and Approvals.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Utilities > Run MQL.
    To run an MQL command, enter the command in the MQL Command box and click Run or press Enter.
  2. To enable logical features, run the following command:

    modify expression LogicalFeatureEnabled value true;

    Users working in an on-premises environment can now work with logical features.
  3. To enable portfolios, run the following command:

    modify expression PortfolioEnabled value true;

    Users working in an on-premises environment can now work with portfolios.