About Manufacturing Plans

A manufacturing plan is a set of process steps that describe how a model version and its associated model is manufactured.

If you revise or create a derivation of a model version, the manufacturing plans are not associated to the new revision or derivation. You can manually add them.

This page discusses:

Manufacturing Plans, Revisions, and Derivations

All model versions have a revision level. The distinction between a revision and a derivation is how that model version is related to its parent. The Derivation Type attribute on the model version shows this information. Manufacturing plans work the same way; they all have revisions, and the Derivation Type attribute defines which type of plan it is.

  1. From the context of the model, create a new revision. Because this is the first manufacturing plan, it must be a revision and is called the Managed Root for the model. When you create the revision, you specify a model version, and the manufacturing plan is an Associated manufacturing plan for that model version. In this case, the model version is the initial derivation of the model.
  2. Select Manufacturing Plan A and create a derivation. The new plan is associated with the same model version.
  3. Select Manufacturing Plan A and create a revision. The new plan becomes an associated manufacturing plan for Model Version Derivation A and is associated with the same model version. Revisions form the main derivation chain for the manufacturing plans.
  4. Select Manufacturing Plan B and create a revision. The new plan becomes an associated manufacturing plan for Model Version Rev B and is associated with the same model version.
  5. Select Manufacturing Plan A.1 and create a derivation, and select Model Version Rev B as the Planned For Model Version. The new plan is a derivation, and associated with Model Version Rev B.
  6. Select Manufacturing Plan C and create a revision, select Model Version B as the Planned For Model Version.

This screen shows the Derivation page for a model for the above diagram. Notice that all of the names are the same but with different revisions. The original name was defined by the AutoName tool; subsequent revisions and derivations retain the name and change the revision, unless you explicitly change the name. The Display Name was manually edited.

Archived Manufacturing Plans

When a manufacturing plan is no longer needed, it can be promoted to the Archive state. Archived plans are listed on the same page as active manufacturing plans. Archived plans cannot be search for or cloned.

To archive a manufacturing plan:

  1. Open the required manufacturing plan.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Lifecycle.
  3. Click Promote.

An archived manufacturing plan can be reactivated by demoting it to the Released state. A plan should not be reactivated with intention of using it like it was used before it was archived. Plans should only be reactivated for cloning purposes.

Manufacturing Plan Policy

The Manufacturing Plan policy has these states:

PreliminaryThe plan is created in the Preliminary state. When ready for actual use, use the Lifecycle page to promote it to Released. You cannot promote the plan if any prior derivation has not been promoted to Released or Archived.
ReleasedThe plan is in use. Released is considered a frozen state (that is, changes cannot be made).
ArchivedThe plan is obsolete. You can use it as a basis to create revisions or derivations.

You can promote and demote the manufacturing plan from one state to another:

  1. Open the required manufacturing plan. See Opening a Manufacturing Plan.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Lifecycle .
  3. Click Promote or Demote as needed.