Editing Manufacturing Plan Properties

You can edit a manufacturing plan's properties. The manufacturing plan can only be edited when it is in the Preliminary state.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for the manufacturing plan. See Manufacturing Plan Properties.
  1. On the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Edit .
  2. Edit any of these details:

    Field NameDescription
    NameEnter a name, or check the Autoname box to let the system define the name.
    TypeClick to select a subtype (if your company created subtypes). If this plan is derived or revised from an existing plan, you cannot change the type.
    Manufacturing Intent

    Possible Values Description
    Regular The manufacturing plan breakdown should comply with its related engineering definition.
    Retrofit The manufacturing plan breakdown does not need to comply with its related engineering definition.

    Display NameInitially shows the title of the object selected for Derived From; edit as needed.
    DescriptionType details that describe the plan.
    Policy This read-only field shows the Manufacturing Plan policy. If more than one policy has been configured, a drop-down list lets you choose a different policy.

  3. Click Done.