Design Variants List for a Logical Feature

You can view the list of variants or option groups added to the logical feature as design variants.

To access the list of design variants for a logical feature:

  1. Open the required model version or logical feature. See Opening a Model Version or Opening a Logical Feature.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Logical Structures.
  3. View the Logical View page tab.
  4. Click the entry in the Design Variants column of the logical feature for which you want to view the design variant.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
About Design Variants
Design Variants Category for a Logical Feature


Column Name Description
Display Name The display name.
(Image) The primary image associated with the logical feature, if one exists.
Status The status of the design variant: Active or Inactive.

The following actions are available inline for variants and option groups already added as design variants:

Icon Action
(Make Active/Inactive) Toggles the variant or option group between active and inactive status.
(Remove) Removes the variant or option group. Click OK to confirm.

Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Add Existing Design Variant Adds existing variants or option groups to the logical feature as design variants.

When you are adding an existing design variant to a logical feature associated with a product line or model version, you can filter the available variants or option groups in the search results to only those associated with a specific product line (Parent) or with a specific model version (Product).

Adding a Design Variant to a Logical Feature
Make Active/Inactive Toggles the selected variants or option groups between active and inactive status. -
Remove Removes the selected variants or option groups from the logical feature as design variants. Click OK to confirm. -