Satisfied Requirements Page

The Satisfied Requirements page displays all of the requirements satisfied by the context variability feature or logical feature.

Note: You only see this page if you also use Traceable Requirements Management.

To access this page:

  1. Open the required feature.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Satisfied Requirements.

See Also
About Searches
Logical Structures
Variability Features
Column Description
Name Name of the requirement.
(Active Change Exists) Indicates whether there is an active change associated with the requirement.
  • Yes
  • No
(Higher Revision Exists) Indicates whether there is a higher revision of the requirement.
  • Yes
  • No
Revision The revision level of the requirement.
Type The item type: requirement or a subtype of requirement.
Title The title of the requirement.
Owner Person who is responsible for the requirement.
State The current state of the requirement in its lifecycle.
Priority The priority of the requirement: Low, Medium, Pre-assigned, or High.
Difficulty How difficult meeting the requirement is:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Customer The customer associated with this requirement.

Only shows if you also use IP Classification.

Shows the class hierarchy of the requirement.
(Files) Opens a list of files associated with the requirement.
(New Window) Click to open the requirement in a new window.