What's New

This page describes recent changes in Variant Management.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Using the Collaborative Space Title Instead of Its Name

Everywhere in Variant Management where the Collaborative Space value is displayed, the value is now its Title instead of its Name.
Benefits: The user-friendly title of the collaborative space is now displayed instead of the system-generated name.

R2022x GA

Renamed Variant Management Object Maturity States

The maturity states for several Variant Management object types have been renamed and all maturity states have been assigned colors in the maturity graph.
Previous Configuration Option Maturity States New Configuration Option Maturity States
Exist Available
The Configuration Option maturity states are used by variant values and options.
Previous Perpetual Resource Maturity States New Perpetual Resource Maturity States
Preliminary Private
Active Available
Obsolete Obsolete
The Perpetual Resource maturity states are used by variants and option groups.
Previous Product Configuration Maturity States New Product Configuration Maturity States
Preliminary Private
Active Released
Inactive Obsolete
Previous Manufacturing Plan Maturity States New Manufacturing Plan Maturity States
Preliminary In Work
Release Released
Archived Obsolete

Benefits: The new maturity state names for Variant Management objects and the colored state nodes in maturity graphs make it easier to understand the current and possible lifecycle states of these objects.
For more information, see Content Lifecycles

Removal of Variant Management App-Specific Roles

Several app-specific roles are no longer available on the cloud by default.
The following roles are no longer available on the cloud by default:
  • Global User
  • Component Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Senior Design Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Software Engineer Manager
  • Software Project Manager
  • System Engineer
All baseline access roles are still supported, and can be assigned, on premises and on the cloud.
Benefits: By default, only baseline access roles that can be assigned are available on the cloud.
For more information, see Variant Management Access to Content

Renamed Product Line Management Object Maturity States

The maturity states for model versions and configuration rules have been renamed and all maturity states have been assigned colors in the maturity graph.

Previous Model Maturity States New Model Maturity States
Preliminary Private
Marketing Marketing
Review Review
Active Active
Inactive Obsolete

Previous Model Version Maturity States New Model Version Maturity States
Preliminary Private
Product Management In Work
Design Engineering In Design
Review Frozen
Release Released
Obsolete Obsolete

Previous Configuration Rule Maturity StatesNew Configuration Rule Maturity States
Preliminary In Work
Release Released
Obsolete Obsolete
Expression rules and matrix rules use the Configuration Rule maturity states.

Benefits: The new maturity state names for model versions and configuration rules and the colored state nodes in maturity graphs make it easier to understand the current and possible lifecycle states of these objects.
For more information, seeContent Lifecycles

Removal of Product Line Management App-Specific Roles

Several app-specific roles are no longer available on the cloud by default.
The following roles are no longer available on the cloud by default:
  • Global User
  • Marketing Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Product Planner
  • Sales Engineer
All baseline access roles are still supported, and can be assigned, on premises and on the cloud.
Benefits: By default, only baseline access roles that can be assigned are available on the cloud.
For more information, seeProduct Line Management Access to Content