Managing Cutsets

You can modify the cutsets display and sort order.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: From the Analyze section of the action bar, click Cutset Analysis .

Modify the Cutsets Display

  1. In the Cutset widget, click Display .
    The display dialog box appears. It is divided in two areas:
    • Available: Lists all the attributes that can be displayed but are not displayed yet.
    • Displayed: Lists all the attributes that can be displayed.
  2. Drag one or more attributes from one area to the other.
  3. Click OK to save the modification.

Modify the Cutsets Sort Order

  1. In the Cutset widget, click Sort .
    The display dialog box appears. It is divided in three areas:
    • Available: Displays all the attributes that can be used to sort the cutsets.
    • Events: Displays the sorting criteria of events in a cutset.
    • Cutsets: Displays the sorting criteria of the cutsets.

  2. If needed:
    • Drop an attribute related to cutsets from the Available area to the Cutsets area.
    • Drop an attribute related to events from the Available area to the Events area.
    • In the Cutsets and Events areas, drag attributes to change their order in the sort sequence (sort by the first attribute, then by the second attribute, etc.).
    • Click an attribute in the Cutsets and Events areas to change the sort order (ascending or descending).

Search Cutsets

  1. In the Cutset widget, click Search.
    The display dialog box appears. It is divided in three areas:
    • Available: Displays all the attributes that can be used as search criterion not used yet.
    • Events: Displays the search criteria applied to events.
    • Cutsets: Displays the search criteria applied to cutsets.

  2. If needed:
    • Drop cutsets attributes from the Available area to the Cutsets area.
    • Drop event attributes from the Available area to the Events area.

    When an attribute appears as a criterion, the matching rules corresponding to its type are proposed.

  3. Click OK.

The cutsets and events matching all the criteria are highlighted.