From the top bar, select
> Geophysics Import.
The Import Large Cloud of Points dialog box opens.
In the Source area, select the file
Format from the list. By default, the .tif format is selected.
In the Source box, select File on disk
to import a single file.
Choose the Location and Filename of the
file to be imported.
A preview displays information about:
- The five first point coordinates (X,Y, Z),
- The coordinates of the extremity points of the bounding box that contains all
- The span between points.
In the Target area, if the Context (level
in which the point cloud is inserted) is not displayed, select it.
To manage geolocation in the destination structure, in the
Referential either:
- Select Local: The Part in which the import is done is not
geolocated. Then, define the length Unit (meter, kilometer, etc.)
in which the data are stored in the file.
- Select the Coordinates Reference System (coordinate types) in which source data
are expressed, from the list of the CRS saved in the database. It is automatically
chosen when defined in the source file.
Click Import.
A new representation reference for point cloud is added in the tree, at the same level as the 3D Shape. It contains the required information to retrieve
the data stored in the directory or in the database after conversion. It cannot be UI
Activated. The point cloud is displayed in the 3D area. You
cannot modify or activate it by double-clicking it, but you can navigate on the model by
moving, rotating and zooming the viewpoint at the wanted location.