Generating the Pit Surface With a Terrain

Pit Phase Surface With Terrain enables you to generate the surface of the pit phase with a terrain.

Before you begin:
  • Create a pit feature.
  • Create a pit phase.
  1. Specify the working context by double-clicking the 3d shape under the surface mine in the tree.
    The UI-activated object (3d shape) appears highlighted in blue. You can now work in the context of the 3d shape.
  2. From the Surface Mine section of the action bar, click Pit Phase Surface With Terrain.
  3. In the tree or in the work area, select the pit phase.
  4. On the context toolbar, click Pit Phase Surface with Terrain .
  5. In the tree or in the work area, select a terrain.

The terrain is trimmed and connects with the pit phase surface that is created.