Specifying Pit Parameters

Pit parameters are used for creating the toes, crests, and ramps of the open pit design you envision. You can edit benches and modify the number of benches after creation.

  1. From the Surface Mine section of the action bar, click Pit Parameters .
  2. From the Benches Parameters section, click Add to define bench parameters.
  3. Enter values for bench angle and berm width. For example, [place holder for bench angle value] and [place holder for berm width value].
  4. Repeat the operation for each bench you are adding.
  5. Expand the Ramp Parameters section, and specify how the ramp should go up.
  6. From the Ramp Rate options, select an angle, for example [place holder for the angle value/location].
  7. Enter values for Ramp width and minimum radius. For example, [place holder for the ramp width value] and [place holder for the minimum radius value].
  8. Expand the Geothechnical Information type section, and specify how the regions within the open pit model should be colorized and processed.
    You have defined the pit parameters.