Only one set of pit optimization results can be active at a time. Change the required
set of results to be active, right-click the label of the required results then select
Set as Current.
Review the displayed parameters. Some parameters are required such as the economic
scenario. If the required parameters are not specified, Run is
Review the Inputs. See Modifying a Scenario. You cannot change the block model.
The Economic Scenario is a required parameter. Review the
Economic Scenario. See Defining an Economic Scenario.
If the Pit Slopes are not defined, they are set to the
default of 45 degrees. Review the Slopes. See Defining Slope Profiles.
Run Control is a required parameter but is set to no by
default. Review the Run Control. See Controlling the Run Speed.
Phases are required to successfully run the optimization.
Review the Phases. See Controlling Pit and Phases.
Scheduling is an optional parameter. Review the
Scheduling. See Enabling Scheduling.
Click Run. Click Cancel at any time to
cancel the run.
The validity of set parameters is verified at the start of the run and if there are
errors they are displayed in the run status area. The run status area also indicates the
status of the run and displays a progress.
The pit optimization is run and results are generated. If the run fails, hover over the
Failure Icon

for more
information about the failure.