Duplicating a Scenario

Duplicate Scenarioenables you to apply the same parameters to different block models, after the parameters and attributes have been associated with a new block model.

  1. In the Duplicate Scenario dialog box, enter a descriptive name.
  2. Select to activate the Block Model field.
  3. Select the Representation reference of the Optimization Block Model. When duplicating a scenario, you can change the block model.
  4. Select to activate the Terrain Surface field.
  5. Select a terrain surface.
    Point cloud Enables you to select a point cloud representation that can contain multiple surfaces scanned at different dates. In such a case, you specify the surface from which the date is selected.
    Note: If you select a Point cloud within a terrain surface, the Capture Time option becomes available.
    Polyhedral surface Enables you to select a polyhedral surface of a terrain object in the tree or the 3D area. Usually this is a previously imported triangulated surface from an external format.
    Important: You can only select a healed surface. For more information, see 3D Modeling > >Virtual Planet > Geosciences Converters User's Guides.
  6. Specify the Capture Time.
  7. Click Ok.