Creating a Site for Pit Optimization

An open-pit mine is designed in the context of a localized area; that is a site. To use most of the commands from the Pit Optimization section of the action bar, you can create a site product.

Before you begin: Start a Pit Optimization session, and specify preferences for creating content by selecting Set attributes at creation for all types in the context menu of the New Content panel.
Note: For more information, see Setting Preferences for Creating Content.
  1. From the Compass, click Pit Optimization.
  2. In the top bar, select Add > Content in the list (or press CTRL+N).
  3. In the New Content panel, click to expand the category section of your choice.
  4. Search for site and click .
  5. Select site in the category list.
  6. In the Site dialog box, enter the required attributes.

The site for your Pit Optimization session is created accordingly.