Applying Forces

You can use a force to apply a translational load in a single direction across an area.

See Also
About Forces
Feature Manager
  1. From the Physics section of the assistant, expand the Loads list and select Force.
  2. Select the geometry supports in the model. You can apply a force to one or more faces.

    Tip: Change the Selection method to select publications, connections, or FEM features, including virtual contact interactions.

  3. Optional: Enter a descriptive Name.
  4. Enter the magnitude component for each direction of the local feature triad (Force X, Force Y, and Force Z).

    For a cylindrical local axis system, the X-, Y- and Z-components are the R-, θ -, and Z-coordinates, respectively.

  5. To change the direction of the force, right-click its glyph and select one of the positioning tools.
  6. Select an axis system and an axis.
    Global Aligns the local feature triad with the global coordinate system.
    Local Aligns the local feature triad with a selected axis system in the model. If you select this axis system, you must also specify whether the axis system is Cartesian or Cylindrical.
    Specify Allows you to orient the local feature triad directly. Right-click the feature triad glyph on the model to orient the local feature triad.
    Implicit Aligns the axis system to the transformed axis system applied on the support.
  7. Click OK.