Creating Load Cases

You can create a load case, that is a group of loads and restraints that you use to define a particular loading condition. A design may undergo multiple loading conditions during its useful life. Grouping loads and restraints (boundary conditions) into a load case ensures that only those loads and restraints required for the current analysis setup are applied.

Before you begin: Open the Topology Optimization assistant. See Performing an Optimization Using the Topology Optimization Assistant.
See Also
Feature Manager
  1. From the Concept section, select Load Cases.
    You can enable and disable selected loads and restraints from a load case, and change the scale factor of a load. The scale factor for each load appears as a numerical value in the column for each load case.
  2. Select the load case and click one of the following commands:
    New load case Creates a load case without any defined physics feature. A new Load Case column appears.
    Delete load case Deletes a load case.
    Duplicate load case Duplicates the selected load case. All specifications are kept and the new load case is automatically selected.
    Rename load case Renames the load case.
    Toggle load case activity Deactivates the load case activity and excludes it from use in simulations.
    Export Exports an excel file. Define the format, the target location and the file name (it must be similar to the name used in the model).

    In the excel file:

    • For the activity, any value makes the load case active. If the cell is empty, it makes it inactive.
    • For loads, scale factors are defined. If a cell is empty, the load does not belong to the load case. Only numerical values are allowed.
    • For restraints, any value (alphabetical or numerical) adds the restraint to the load case.
    • For global elements, no value is defined.
    • For thermal conditions, any value (alphabetical or numerical) adds the restraint to the load case. If more than one thermal condition is defined for one load case, an error is displayed.

    Import Imports the excel file back in the load case manager. Select the file to import.
  3. To find an element, enter its name in the box.

    You can filter by features, types, or load cases. Filtering reduces the total number of objects you are viewing. For example, if you filter to show only a single load case, only the loads and restraints included in that case are shown in the manager.

    The element is highlighted in the 3D area.
  4. To create a load or restraint that is always included in all load cases, select it, and then choose Required in all from the context menu.
    To return to the optional mode, select the load or restraint, and then choose Make Optional from the context menu. You can also use the context menu to include the load or restraint in all load cases, or delete it.
  5. To edit a load or restraint, click Edit it in the manager.