Visualizing the Overhang Analysis

You can visualize the draft direction on a structure to identify whether and where supports are required to print the 3D model.

  1. From the View section of the action bar, click View Modes, and click Shading with materials .
  2. From the Shape Review section of the action bar, click ALM Overhang Analysis .
  3. Select the elements to be analyzed.
  4. Specify the threshold angle.
  5. Define the printing direction:
    User Lets you position and manipulate the Robot on the structure. You can click Reverse direction to reverse the direction of the Robot.
    Feature Lets you select a feature as the direction.
    • The yellow color shows the threshold angle that requires the use of supports.
    • The green color shows the surfaces that are contained within the tolerance area.
    • The red color shows the surfaces that are perpendicular to the printing direction.

    Tip: You can modify the color code by clicking any color square.
  6. Optional: Click Filter small areas to filter areas that are smaller than a defined width.
  7. Optional: In the Filter small regions dialog box, define the minimum width.
  8. Click Compute.

    : zones that have a width smaller than the minimum width are shown in the color corresponding to the small overhang regions.

    : zones that have a width greater than the minimum width are shown in the color corresponding to the large overhang regions.

    Note: This filter mode is not persistent.