Conversion of a Drawing Representation
Two cases are possible depending on whether the target V5 CATdrawing file exists or not.
Case of the Creation of a New CATDrawing
When running the Downward Compatibility batch to convert a V6 drawing representation, in the case when the target file does not exist yet, then a new V5 CATDrawing file is created.
Case of the Synchronization of an Existing CATDrawing
When running the Downward Compatibility batch to convert a V6 drawing representation, in the case when the target V5 CATDrawing file already exists, then the existing file is replaced with a newly created CATDrawing. Any existing V5 element in the previous CATDrawing document is lost.
CATDrawing Structure
The resulting CATDrawing has no link with an external 3D part representation or a 2D Component catalog. As a consequence:
- Generated views are converted into the interactive
- Detail sheets are converted into the design
Symbols displayed in the tree are modified accordingly.