Creating a Drilling Hole Table

You can create a drilling hole table in Drafting.

  • A table is created in the current front view. It contains all the hole and thread technological results corresponding to the product linked to the current front view, as well as the labels linking the holes in the front view to the table lines.
  • The result table can be exported to a dxf file.
  • The result table is not associative with the 3D geometry. If the part or its holes are modified, updating the drawing will not update the result.

Technological Results are systematically associated to holes created with Smart Mechanical Components. As a consequence, Drilling Hole Table always processes those holes.

Note: The holes created in other apps (For example Part Design) are not associated with Technological Results, and are thus ignored by Drilling Hole Table. If you need to generate a drilling hole table from those holes, first generate the Technological Results for those holes (In Part Design, right-click the body containing the holes and select Create Technological Results).

Before you begin:

Open a 3D part representation containing a front view.

  • This front view must be generated by selecting only one product in generative mode. Moreover, the product linked to the front view must contain only one representation. If more than one element are linked to the front view, or if it is not a product, an error message is displayed.
  • The axis system must be selected in the representation linked to the front view. If an axis system is selected from a representation other than the one linked to the current front view, an error message is displayed.

  1. From the Annotation section of the action bar, click Drilling Hole Table .
  2. Optional: Select another axis system in the linked representation, if needed.

    By default, the part axis system of the linked representation is used.

    All the hole positions are computed in this axis system.
  3. Enter the required title.
    The part name, the name of the axis system selected and the time of creation are automatically added.
  4. Define a prefix.

    By default, the prefix is Ref.

    • If Based on Param is not selected, all references are constructed as Ref + incremented index.
    • If Based on Param is selected, use parameters to allocate different holes different references.
  5. Optional: Enter the required Start Index.
  6. Select the Display Labels check box to display the reference as a label in the front view.

    If this check box is cleared, no label is created.

  7. Select the items to display in the table by moving them from Not Shown Items box to Shown Items box and vice versa. You can also order them.
  8. Optional: Select the Merge Thread into Hole check box to merge the information about the hole and its thread in one line.
    If this check box is cleared, the information is displayed in two lines.
  9. Optional: Sort the table contents.

The table is positioned at the origin of the front view. You can also move it to another location.