Editing S Break Symbols

You can edit the properties of the S break symbol created on the limit edges of broken, clipping profile, and detail profile views.

Before you begin: Open a drawing representation containing S break symbols.

See Also
Creating a Broken View
Creating a Detail View or a Detail View Profile
Creating a Clipping View/Clipping View Profile
  1. Double-click a S break symbol.
  2. In the S Break Edition dialog box, select the Hollow check box to make the symbol hollow.
  3. Optional: To remove the filling inside the symbol, clear the Filled check box.
  4. To change the ratio of the symbol size, drag the slider.
  5. To reverse the direction, click Reverse.
  6. Click the required boxes and select a color, line type, and line thickness from the list.

You can define the S break symbol parameters from the generative view styles (GVS). For more information, see S Break Edges.

  • While creating new S break symbols, the overridden GVS values are considered. In the case of the existing S break symbols, the overridden GVS values are not reflected on the symbols.
  • The cylindrical geometry must be fully cut through its diameter.
  • The cylindrical geometry must be fully visualized in a view whose projection plane is parallel to the axis cylinder.
  • The existing S break symbols are updated.
  • If a S break symbol becomes invalid due to the modifications in the 3D part, it is automatically removed after updating the view.
  • If you delete the S break symbol, this symbol can be restored only by using the Restore Properties command.