- Right-click a section view, for example.
- Select Section view object > Overload properties.
The Characteristics dialog box appears.
- In the view, select the element that you want to edit.
This element is highlighted in the drawing and listed in
the Characteristics dialog box.

- Select the element you want to edit in the dialog box and
click Edit.
In the Editor dialog box, you can modify the following parameters:
Cut in section views: Specifies that the 3D
element will be cut in the section view, section cut or breakout view.
Uncheck this option if you do not want an element to be cut in the view.
Use when projecting: Specifies that the 3D element
will be projected in the view.
Uncheck this option if you do not want an element to be represented in
the view (other 3D elements possibly hidden by this element in the view
will then be visible in the view).
Represented with hidden lines: Specifies that
3D hidden lines will be represented.
Shown: Specifies that the dress-up (color, line
type, etc.) associated to the 2D generated element will be shown. The view
is not re-computed.
- Projected as background: Sets the selected part as background. This helps in visualizing the other parts which are behind the selected part in the view.
If you have selected the shaded background mode for a view in which one of the parts is projected as background, then the shaded background mode becomes ineffective only for this part.
Graphic Properties area: Lets you modify graphic
properties such as element color, line type and line thickness.
- Clear the Shown check-box and click OK.
In the view, the generated 2D element and the dress-up associated to it is no longer shown. Note:
If you select the Shaded Background Mode check box in
section, under View generation, the generated 2D element is no longer shown. The shaded background remains unaffected.
- In the tree,
select the PartBody.x node.
The elements of the part body are
added to the Characteristics dialog box.
- Select the required elements in the list and click Edit.
- In the Editor dialog box, select the red color
in the Graphic properties list and click OK.
The graphic properties cannot be applied to the hatching patterns.
- In the Characteristics dialog box, click
The view is re-computed.

- In the tree, Ctrl + multi-select the 3D elements.
Back to the drawing, the elements have been added to the
Characteristics dialog box.
- Select the required elements in the list and click Edit.
- In the Editor dialog box, clear the Shown
check-box and click OK.
- In the Characteristics dialog box, click
The selected element is hidden.
