Equipment And Systems Parameters

EquipmentAndSystems parameters specify how equipment and systems components should be projected in a Drafting view.

Equipment And Systems parameters can be customized in the Standard Definition dialog box which appears when you select Me > Preferences > Standards. After selecting the generativeparameters category, you can then select the XML file you want to customize. Equipment And Systems parameters are located in the EquipmentAndSystems node of this XML file.

This page discusses:


Representation Type 3DProjection / 2DSymbol / NoProjection Specifies if an equipment should be projected as a 3D projection, a 2D symbol or should not be projected.

By default, the value is 3DProjection.

2DDetailOrientation Yes/No Specifies whether or not the 2D Detail should be oriented as per the connected object.

By default, the value is No.

Catalog/Chapter NameStringSpecifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

NameStringSpecifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

CenterOfGravitySymbol GenerationYes/NoSpecifies whether or not the center of gravity symbol of the equipment should be projected in the view.

By default, the value is No.

Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

NameStringSpecifies the name of the center of gravity symbol referenced by the drawing catalog in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

InformationTable > HeaderGenerationYes/NoSpecifies whether or not the text template should be projected in the view.

By default, the value is No.

Catalog/Chapter NameStringSpecifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

TextTemplateNameStringSpecifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

InformationTable > ConnectorTable > PropertiesGenerationYes/No

Specifies whether or not wire annotations should be projected in the view.

By default, the value is No.

GenerateHeaderYes/NoSpecifies whether or not to generate a header for the wire annotation table.

By default, the value is No.

TableSplitIntegerSpecifies the number of lines in a table split.
SpaceBetweenTwoSplitIntegerSpecifies the space separating two splits of the table.
CellMarginIntegerSpecifies the margins value in a table cell.
DisplayUnitYes/NoSpecifies whether or not to generate an associated text template.
SortingAscending/DescendingSpecifies the sorting order.

Priority is always given to numbers. For alphanumeric initial, sorting is performed in alphabetical order and then in numeric order.

Important: The sorting is not case-sensitive.
DisplayEmptyCavityYes/NoSpecifies whether or not to display empty cavities in the table. When the parameters is set to Yes, a dash (-) appears in the corresponding cells.
MergeDuplicateCavityYes/NoSpecifies whether or not to merge cells corresponding to duplicated cavities.
InformationTable > ConnectorTable > AttributeOrderColumnSpecifies the display order for each attribute.
Note: The parameters under Equipment > InformationTable > ConnectorTable are for use with Electrical products only.


RepresentationType 3DProjection / 2DDetail / 3DprojectionAnd2Ddetail Specifies if a support should be projected as a 3D projection, a 2D detail or as a 3D projection and 2D detail.

By default, the value is 3DProjection.

CatalogName String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

Representation > SectionOfSupportGenerationYes/NoSpecifies whether or not the section of support should be projected in the view.

By default, the value is Yes.

Representation > SectionOfSupport > NumberingUseCommonDittoYes/NoSpecifies whether or not to share a detail. The detail can only be shared if supports have the same External Reference and same orientation in 3D.

By default, the value is Yes.

PrefixOnSectionNameStringDefines the prefix to be used for section details.

By default, the value is Section.

Representation > SectionOfSupport > Layout > OriginpositionXLength > 0 Defines the X coordinate of the first detail on the grid.

By default, the value is -400 mm.

YLength > 0 Defines the Y coordinate of the first detail on the grid.

By default, the value is -400 mm.

Representation > SectionOfSupport > Layout > GridsizeX_StepLength > 0 Defines the spacing between details in the X direction.

By default, the value is -40 mm.

Y_StepLength > 0 Defines the spacing between details in the Y direction.

By default, the value is -40 mm.

Representation > SectionOfSupport > Layout > NumberOfSectionsOnX-IntegerDefines the number of details placed along the X direction.

By default, the value is 10 mm.

Text GenerationYes/NoSpecifies whether or not the text template should be projected in the view.

By default, the value is No.

CatalogNameStringSpecifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

TextTemplateName String Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the associated Data Setup resource set.

There is no default value.

Note: The parameters under Support > Representation > SectionOfSupport are for use with Electrical products only.