Generate Parameters

Generate parameters are located in the Drafting > Generate node of the generative view style XML file (available via Me > Preferences > Standards > generativeparameters category > *.XML file).

These parameters specify whether the elements should be projected in the view. They are detailed in the table below.

  • For more information about projected elements, see Properties available on Generative Views in the section of the Drafting User's Guide: Feature Properties: View Properties.
  • All generative view styles apply to views generated in exact mode. On top of that, some generative view style parameters also apply when creating other view types (CGR, Approximate and Raster), as specified in the Remark column.
Parameters Value Description Remark
AxisLines Yes/No Specifies whether axis lines should be projected. -
CenterLines Yes/No Specifies whether center lines should be projected. -
Fillets None / Boundaries / OriginalEdges / ProjectedOriginalEdges Defines the fillet representation mode. -
HiddenLines Yes/No Specifies whether hidden lines should be projected. Also applies to CGR, Approximate and Raster view types.
AutoHideYes/NoSpecifies whether the representation of hidden lines should be simplified by keeping only those lines which are not hidden by the part itself.Applicable only to Exact view type.
Threads Yes/No Specifies whether threads should be projected. -
3DPoints Yes/No Specifies whether 3D points should be projected. -
Wireframe Yes/No Specifies whether wireframe should be projected. -
Using3DSpec Yes/No Specifies whether Drafting specifications applied to assembly instances (cut, use, hidden lines) should be used. Also applies to CGR, Approximate and Raster view types.
Welds Yes/No Specifies whether weld features defined in 3D (in the Weld Designapp) are to be represented symbolically in drawings.
WeldSections Yes/No Specifies whether weld sections defined are to be represented symbolically in drawings.
Patterns Yes/No Specifies whether patterns are to be represented symbolically in drawings.
Smooth EdgesYes/NoSpecifies whether smooth edges are to be represented in drawings.