HVAC Design Parameters

HVAC parameters specify how HVAC components should be projected in a Drafting view.

HVAC parameters can be configured in the Standard Definition dialog box which appears when you select Me > Preferences > Standards. After selecting the generativeparameters category, you can then select the XML file you want to configure. Piping/Tubing Design parameters are located in the HVAC Design node of this XML file.

Note: For more information, see HVAC Design Administration's Guide: Integration with Generative Drafting.

This page discusses:

GR_0 / GR_1 / GR_2

Note: Each GR_n node is dedicated to configuring different graphical representation options for HVAC components based on their nominal sizes. For example, the GR_0 nominal size range can be set from 0.5in to 2in, GR_1 from 2.5in to 10in and GR_2 from 12in to 24in. Take care to ensure that the ranges do not overlap each other.
Parameter Value Description
Min_NominalSize String Specifies the minimum nominal size that a piping part, pipe or insulation should have in order to be projected in a view, using the graphical representation options defined in this GR_n node. Leaving the value blank means that all values under the value specified for Max_NominalSize are possible.

By default, the value is 0in.

Max_NominalSize String Specifies the maximum nominal size that a piping part, pipe or insulation should have in order to be projected in a view, using the graphical representation options defined in this GR_n node. Leaving the value blank means that all values above the value specified for Min_NominalSize are possible.

By default, the value is 2in.

Piping-Tubing Part > GraphicRepresentation > Type 3DProjection / 2DSymbol / NoProjection Specifies if a piping or tubing part should be projected as a 3D projection, a 2D symbol or should not be projected.

By default, the value is 3DProjection.

Piping-Tubing Part > GraphicRepresentation > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Piping-Tubing Part > GraphicRepresentation > Name String Specifies the name of the symbol referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Piping-Tubing Part > TextTemplate > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not the text template should be projected in the view.

By default, the value is No.

Piping-Tubing Part > TextTemplate > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Piping-Tubing Part > TextTemplate > TextTemplateName String Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type > Representation DoubleLine / SingleLine/NoProjection Specifies if a rigid pipe or tube should be projected using a double line, a single line or should not be projected.

By default, the value is DoubleLine.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type > LineType Integer Specifies the linetype (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Line Type) that should be used to project a rigid pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 1.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type > LineThickness Integer Specifies the line thickness (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Thickness & Font) that should be used to project a rigid pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 1.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type > RigidBranchPortDisplay Yes/No Specifies whether or not the rigid branch ports are to be shown.

By default, the value is No.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Color RGB Value Specifies the color that should be used to project a rigid pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 0,0,0.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > AxisLine > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not an axis line should be used to project a portion of a straight rigid pipe or tube.

By default, the value is No.

Note: If you set this parameter No, make sure that, in the Drafting node of the GVS file, the Generate > AxisLines parameter is also set to No.
Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > AxisLine > ExtensionLength Real/Length Specifies the extension (extra) length applied to the axis line from the extremities of a straight portion of a rigid pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 1mm.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CornerBendPoint > Display Yes/No/Standard Specifies whether or not the intersection points of adjacent rigid pipe or tube segments should be projected, or are acreated according to the default drawing behavior.

By default, the value is Standard.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CornerBendPoint > Numbering Yes/No Specifies whether or not a number (corresponding to the position in the rigid pipe or tube) should be projected next to the bend point. End Points is also considered for Numbering if the option for EndPoint is Yes.

By default, the value is No.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CenterCurve > EndPoint Yes/No Specifies wheter or not the two end points are created and treated as manufacturing points (CornerBendPoint). If not, the End Point is not automatically invisible.

By default, the value is No.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CenterCurve > Display Yes/No/Standard Specifies whether or not the center curve of a rigid pipe or tube should be projected, or created according to the default drawing behavior.

By default, the value is Standard.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CenterCurve > LineType Integer Specifies the linetype (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Line Type) that should be used to project a center curve.

By default, the value is 4.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > EndStyleSymbol > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a symbol should be projected at the extremities of a rigid pipe or tube.

By default, the value is No.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > EndStyleSymbol > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > EndStyleSymbol > Name String Specifies the name of the symbol referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > TextTemplate > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a text template should be used when projecting a rigid pipe or tube.

By default, the value is No.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > TextTemplate > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Rigid Pipe_Tube > TextTemplate > TextTemplateName String Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type > Representation DoubleLine / SingleLine/NoProjection Specifies if a flexible pipe or tube should be projected using a double line, a single line or should not be projected.

By default, the value is DoubleLine.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type > LineType Integer Specifies the linetype (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Line Type) that should be used to project a flexible pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 1.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type > LineThickness Integer Specifies the line thickness (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Thickness & Font) that should be used to project a flexible pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 1.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Color RGB Value Specifies the color that should be used to project a flexible pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 0,0,0.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > AxisLine > ExtensionLength Real/Length Specifies the extension (extra) length applied to the axis line from the extremities of a straight portion of a flexible pipe or tube.

By default, the value is 1mm.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CornerBendPoint > Display Yes/No Specifies whether or not the intersection points of adjacent flexible pipe or tube segments should be projected.

By default, the value is Yes.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CornerBendPoint > Numbering Yes/No Specifies whether or not a number (corresponding to the position in the flexible pipe or tube) should be projected next to the bend point.

By default, the value is No.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CenterCurve > Display Yes/No Specifies whether or not the center curve of a flexible pipe or tube should be projected.

By default, the value is Yes.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > CenterCurve > LineType Integer Specifies the linetype (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Line Type) that should be used to project a center curve.

By default, the value is 4.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > EndStyleSymbol > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a symbol should be projected at the extremities of a flexible pipe or tube.

By default, the value is No.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > EndStyleSymbol > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > GraphicRepresentation > EndStyleSymbol > Name String Specifies the name of the symbol referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > TextTemplate > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a text template should be used when projecting a flexible pipe or tube.

By default, the value is No.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > TextTemplate > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Flexible Pipe_Tube > TextTemplate > TextTemplateName String Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Insulation > Pipe-Tube > GraphicRepresentation > Type DoubleLine / SingleLine / NoProjection Specifies if an insulation should be projected using a double line, a single line, or should not be projected.

By default, the value is DoubleLine.

Insulation > Pipe-Tube > GraphicRepresentation > LineType Integer Specifies the linetype (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Line Type) that should be used to project an insulation.

By default, the value is 1.

Insulation > Pipe-Tube > GraphicRepresentation > LineThickness Integer Specifies the line thickness (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Thickness & Font) that should be used to project an insulation.

By default, the value is 1.

Insulation > Pipe-Tube > GraphicRepresentation > 2DDetailOnExtremities > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a 2D detail should be used when projecting protection extremities.

By default, the value is No.

Insulation > Pipe-Tube > GraphicRepresentation > 2DDetailOnExtremities > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Insulation > Pipe-Tube > GraphicRepresentation > 2DDetailOnExtremities > Name String Specifies the name of the 2D detail referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Insulation > Piping-Tubing Part > GraphicRepresentation > Type 3DProjection / NoProjection Specifies whether an insulation on a piping or tubing part should be projected as a 3D projection or should not be projected.

By default, the value is 3DProjection.

Insulation > Piping-Tubing Part > GraphicRepresentation > LineType Integer Specifies the linetype (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Line Type) that should be used to project an insulation on a piping or tubing part.

By default, the value is 1.

Insulation > Piping-Tubing Part > GraphicRepresentation > LineThickness Integer Specifies the line thickness (as defined in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > User Interface > Thickness & Font) that should be used to project an insulation.

By default, the value is 1.

Insulation > TextTemplate > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a text template should be used when projecting an insulation.

By default, the value is No.

Insulation > TextTemplate > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Insulation > TextTemplate > TextTemplateName String Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.


Parameter Value Description
Spool > FabricationBreakSymbol > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a fabrication break symbol should be used at all extremities of a spool.
Note: A spool can be a complex pipe harness with more than two extremities.

By default, the value is No.

Spool > FabricationBreakSymbol > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Spool > FabricationBreakSymbol > Name String Specifies the name of the fabrication break symbol referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Spool > TextTemplate > Generation Yes/No Specifies whether or not a text template should be used when projecting a spool.

By default, the value is No.

Spool > TextTemplate > Catalog/Chapter Name String Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.

Spool > TextTemplate > TextTemplateName String Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources resource set.

There is no default value.