View Properties

The View lets you modify view/annotation planes properties.

Select the View tab to access properties.

This page discusses:

Defines the annotation view name.
Defines the annotation view ID.
Defines the annotation view suffix.
Creates a formula to define the annotation view naming.

Orientation and Scale

Specifies the angle between the view and the sheet.

In a Drafting view, the angle cannot be modified when View Generation Mode properties is set to Raster in Generation Properties.

In multi-plane view context, you cannot edit this property for sub-views, only for multi-plane feature.

Defines the scale of the view. In the next field, which cannot be edited, the decimal value is displayed with respect to the fraction.

In a Drafting view, only the generative elements (axes included) are scaled, neither the view name nor the dimension.

In multi-plane view context, you cannot edit this property for sub-views, only for multi-plane feature.

The following view scale values must be considered:

  • Normal range: Scale must be greater than 1.10-5 and lower than 1.104
  • Large range: Scale must be greater than 1.10-7 and lower than 1.102
Note: If you specify a scale outside this scale range, an error appears displaying the scale limits for the current representation.
When properties are edited for a set of views with heterogeneous representation ranges, the authorized scale range is computed as an intersection of allowed scale ranges.
Defines the view ratio which is applied to all its annotations.
  • This ratio corresponds to a same scale factor applied to all texts, symbols and graphic representations contained in annotations regardless of their own properties.
  • The reverse of this ratio is applied when generating the related 2D drafting view, except when the view is contained in an offset or aligned section view.

    In these cases, the reverse ratio of the first annotation view is applied to all the views of the offset or aligned section view.


In multi-plane view context, you cannot edit this property for sub-views, only for multi-plane feature.


Display View Frame
Defines whether the annotation view frame is displayed or not.
Lock View
Locks the view so that it cannot be modified anymore. Once a view is locked, you can no longer do the following::
  • Create views from this locked view,
  • Create annotations or dimensions on this view,
  • Update, delete or cut this view,
  • Move generated geometry, annotations, dimensions and dress-up elements in this view.

However, you can move the locked view and the 2D geometry added in this view.

In the tree, locked views are identified by a lock on the view symbol.


In a Drafting context, locking a view may be useful if you need to modify a part without modifying the generated views.

For example, when you need to modify a constraint in the 3D but not the generated views.