Measuring a Distance

You can measure the distance between selected places on your map.

  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Measure Distance .
  2. In the Measure Units panel, select the appropriate unit system.
    • Metric system also known as the "International System of Units (SI)" which is the international decimal system of weights and measures. The following units are used:
      Unit Abbreviation
      Millimeter mm
      Meter m
      Kilometer km
      Square meter m2
      Square kilometer km2
      Hectare ha
    • Imperial system for units defined in the British Weights and Measures Act of 1824. The following units are used:
      Unit Abbreviation
      Inch in
      Foot ft
      Yard yd
      Mile mi
      Square inch sqin
      Square foot sqft
      Square mile sqmi
      Acre ac

    Tip: You can toggle between unit systems while measuring your environment. The measure information is refreshed next time you click.

    The selected unit is saved in the browser local storage associated with the platform URL. This means that you retrieve the selected unit on any dashboard containing a City widget, provided that you use the same computer, the same Windows account, the same web browser, and that you have not cleared internal app settings.

    Units are adaptive: when measuring at small scale, the units are "feet" and "meters", while changing the points to larger distances, the units will adapt to "miles" or "kilometers" (depending on the chosen metric system).

  3. Click a start point and an end point.
    The distance between the two clicked points is displayed.

  4. Click several points successively.
    Each click displays the distance from the previous point in the polyline. The cumulative total distance from the start point along the polyline is also displayed.

  5. To display a previous intermediate result, move your mouse over the point of your choice with the cursor.

  6. To remove a point from the polyline, click it.
  7. Click Measure Distance to exit the command.
    All points are deselected.