Viewshed Representation Attributes

You can modify some representation attributes for viewsheds and viewshed cameras.

This page discusses:


You can display the following representation attributes:

Name of the selected dataset displayed in the tree.
Describes the selected annotation. This attribute is optional.
Visible parts
Defines the color of visible areas for the selected viewshed.
Non-visible parts
Defines the color of non-visible areas for the selected viewshed.
Out of frustum
Defines the color of areas outside the camera frustum for the selected viewshed.

Viewshed Camera

You can display the following representation attributes:

Name of the selected dataset displayed in the tree.
Describes the selected annotation. This attribute is optional.
Near plane distance
Defines the closest distance that an object can be to the camera while remaining in the view.
Far plane distance
Defines the farthest distance that an object can be from the camera while remaining in the view.
Field of view
Defines the vertical aperture (in degrees).
Aspect ratio
Defines the ratio between the overall width and the overall height of the viewport.