Managing Visual Quality and Artistic Effects

You can enhance the visual quality of an environment by applying artistic effects.

  1. From the Essentials section of the action bar, click Tools .
  2. Select a profile under Quality:
    Low Provides low quality but with very high performance. (Ideal for laptops)
    Medium Provides average visual quality. (Intended for most computers)
    High Provides high visual quality.
    Ultra Provides very high visual quality. (Intended for high-level computer configuration)
  3. To adjust the shadow distance, select a scene size:
    Medium Adjusts the shadow distance for medium scenes.
    Small Adjusts the shadow distance for small scenes.
    Large Adjusts the shadow distance for large scenes.
  4. To change the shadow quality, use the slider:
    • To obtain good performance, move the slider to Performance.
    • To obtain high quality, move the slider to Quality.
  5. To change the color grading, select a visual effect.
  6. To display decorative features in an environment, select one or more elements under Display:
    • Water: to display or hide the ocean, select Ocean.
      Note: You can change the wind strength by using the Beaufort Scale. For more information, see Defining Wind Strength.
    • Vegetation
      • To display or hide forests, select Forests.
      • To display or hide grass, select Grass.
      • To display or hide elements such as boulders or vegetation, select Ground objects.
    • Weather
      • To display or hide clouds, select Clouds.
      • To display or hide fogs, select Fogs.
    • Man-made objects
      • To display or hide buildings or vehicles, select Decorative objects.
      • To display or hide district, select District.