Service EndpointsBefore you start the installation, the Globe service needs a dedicated URL endpoint to be configured. For example: HTTPS and CertificatesTo be accepted by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform servers, the certificate CN must be equal to the full server URL (i.e.
There is no specificity for the Globe service. The certificate expiry date must also of course be in the future. The certificate comprises two parts:
Certificates can be obtained from any certificate creation public authority, or, if you have your own authority, generated and signed by this authority. Self-signed certificates may be used, but we strongly recommend that you do not use them, since this will generate many warnings and/or errors from components not recognizing the certificate as valid or safe. You can generate certificate requests and transmit them to your administrator or provider. For more information see Set Up Certificates. Reverse Proxy and Load BalancersConnection to all 3DEXPERIENCE platform services is done via The reverse proxy, apart from securing the communication between the client (or other servers) and the application, also sets some headers to allow CORS capabilities between elements of the platform. Configurations for apache2.4 are built during the service installation process and can be found at: <install_dir>/<os>/templates/<service_name>_http_fragment.conf[.txt] They can easily be translated into configurations for other reverse proxy technologies. All load balancers should be configured to conserve the sessions using cookies and a parameter value (see examples given for some load balancers). See the installation documentation for each service for more details. There are several different possibilities:
The case where the services are set up using the same virtual host, on the same / uri (without a different path for each service) is not possible in a single httpd.conf configuration file with only one domain.
The fragments for each service are isolated in a location container, allowing
them to be used on the same Apache HTTPD server on the same port.
Add all templates into one HTTPD configuration file within a single correctly configured ssl Virtualhost. For more information, see the section "Configuring the Reverse Proxy" in each service installation guide. MachinesPhysical or virtual machines can be used to deploy the Globe service. Internet AccessInternet access is mandatory to get access to all external data (WMTS, WMS, WFS, and so on). Firewall settingsWe recommend that you update firewall settings to accommodate non-default ports, if chosen for all services. Application ServersThe Globe service requires a dedicated, separate application server: the services cannot share the same application server. If the embedded Server JRE is not selected at installation, the setenv.bat/.sh file must be updated with the variable JAVA_HOME for each application server. TimezoneFor all servers, set the time zone to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). On Linux, configure the system time zone to UTC. To do so, run for instance the following command: ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime Clock synchronizationYou must ensure that all clocks on all servers are synchronized using technology such as NTP synchronization. List of services communicating with DSLS ServerThe Globe service communicates with the DSLS server to validate the user’s licenses. CV (Cloud View) licensing is managed with a file. Load Balancing RecommendationsLoad balancing multiple instances of each 3DEXPERIENCE platform service is recommended for production environments, for availability, scalability and performance. All services supporting access through load balancing must comply with the following constraints:
Standard First request: OPTION request: Standard other request (not OPTION, not first): In compliance with these constraints, here is an example of a load balancing configuration using haproxy (behind an independent reverse proxy). Note:
HAProxy support is limited to Linux Operating Systems.
global log syslog notice option httplog maxconn 4000 defaults log global option tcplog option forwardfor timeout connect 5000 timeout client 50000 timeout server 50000 option http-server-close frontend http-in bind *:{inbound port} mode http capture cookie SERVERID len 100 default_backend Service_All backend Service_All balance roundrobin mode http cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache secure httponly #for all services except 3DSpace : option httpchk OPTIONS /{Service uri}//healthcheck/ HTTP/1.0 #for 3DSpace : # option httpchk OPTIONS /enovia/ HTTP/1.0 http-send-name-header x-dsp-client-node # List of servers server Front_0 {server0 IP}:{tomee port} cookie Front_0 check server Front_1 {server1 IP}:{tomee port} cookie Front_1 check Service healthCheckYou can check the Globe service status by opening the following URL in your browser: https://<hostname>:<port>/<URI>/datasupplier/healthcheck |