Upgrading Globe

Whether you are upgrading to a GA level or a FP (fix pack) level, Globe must be upgraded in the following order.

Recommendation: Backup the data before running the upgrade procedure.

  1. Uninstall or stop all running processes.

    Data located in the shared folder and databases should not be deleted.

  2. Upgrade the prerequisites for Globe.

    This is particularly important now that Globe Search Full Index is installed on top of Exalead CloudView.

  3. Whether you are upgrading to a GA or FP level, upgrade the Exalead CloudView software.
  4. Whether you are upgrading to a GA or FP level, upgrade the GEOVIA_GlobeCVPlugin software.
  5. Whether you are upgrading to a GA or FP level, upgrade the GEOVIA_Globe_Compute software.
  6. Whether you are upgrading to a GA or FP level, upgrade the 3DEXPERIENCEGlobe software.