Create Shared Folders

On Linux, shared directories are exported and mounted on the client machine.

  1. Create a shared folder name to be used for storing data.

    For example:

    • /share/DassaultSystemes/Globe/source on Linux

    The folder should be sized large enough to store datasources. It is also used to share certain configuration files across Globe machines.

    The shared folder must be shared and accessible in read/write mode, and mounted the same way (using the same path) from all the machines that are part of the Globe installation. Using a disk with high IOPS is better (for example, SSD).

    If you prefer to use distinct OS users for some of the components of Globe, they must have the same rights.

    The shared folder must be accessible in read mode for Globe Index, from the OS user running Exalead CloudView.

  2. Create a second shared folder between Globe Front machines.

    For example:

    • /share/DassaultSystemes/Globe/cache on Linux

    This second shared folder will be used for cached data. You must create it in the same configuration than the previous shared folder. Using a disk with high IOPS is better (for example, SSD).