Untar or unzip the media to create the
GEOVIA_Globe_Compute.Linux64 directory on Linux.
Change to the distribution directory; that is,
GEOVIA_Globe_Compute.Linux64/1 on Linux.
- Specify how to start the installation on Linux:
Option Mode | Description |
GUI mode | Enter ./StartGUI.sh |
TUI mode | Enter ./StartTUI.sh |
The procedure starts, and a dialog box displays a welcome message.
Click Next.
Specify the installation directory, for example,
/usr/DassaultSystemes/R2022x/GlobeCompute/install on Linux. Alternatively, click
Browse... and navigate to choose the directory.

Click Next.
Specify the Java Home path or select the embedded path.

Click Next.
Specify the Globe Compute start port, end port, socket port, and websocket
The port range from start port to end port is not a reserved range, it will be
a range on which the Compute component will use some ports. If some ports are
not available, it will try another port inside of the range (which means that
all ports do not have to be available).
Specify the log directory. For example,
/usr/DassaultSystemes/R2022x/GlobeCompute/log on linux.

Review you installation choices, then click Install.

The installation starts with a check of Globe Compute OS dependencies.
When the installation is complete, you get a message saying Installed
Components: Globe Compute. 
Click Close.
Run “linux_a64/resources/globe/csi/config/EFHypervisorService.sh
start” to launch the Compute component process.